For more than 30 years we have been helping customers turn their dreams of an environment with character, style and quality into reality. Our mission is to always be the best at what we do, so that you can receive something more from our cooperation than new, beautiful floors, walls or interior items.
See moreOur entire team of professionals is proud of each implemented project – assistance in the selection of apartment finishing materials or extensive finishing material deliveries and installation works at public buildings. Here are some of the largest projects we have implemented.
See moreThe Milliken carpet tile collection Consequence has been installed.
Uzstādītas sienas un grīdas flīzes no RAKO. Ieklāts vinilna grīdas segums no Forbo Flooring.
Carpet tiles from Forbo have been installed. Slalom acoustic panels, acoustic table dividers, acoustic walls and suspended ceilings from Rockfon were installed.
Reaton finishing material shop working hours:
Mon-Fri: 9:00-18:00
Sat: 10:00-16:00
Sun: closed.
mc2 interior and finishing materials departments working hours:
Mon-Sat: 10:30-19:00
Sun: closed.